Revolutionize your brand with X-vault's customizable white label wallet.

About X-Vault

At Xvault, we understand the dire need for a dependable and fortified medium to stash digital assets. We recognize the burgeoning demand for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology and strive to provide an unassailable storage solution. Our accomplished and ingenious team has ingeniously crafted a decentralized wallet employing avant-garde technology, offering unbeatable safety and expediency. With Xvault, you hold absolute dominion over your assets, retrievable from any location on the globe.

Are you looking for a Decentralized Crypto Wallet


  • Security is one of the most significant challenges when it comes to developing a decentralized cryptocurrency wallet. With the increasing number of cyber-attacks and hacks, ensuring that the wallet is secure is critical.
  • The requirement for users to remember numerous usernames and passwords for various systems, results in password fatigue, security vulnerabilities, and subpar user experience.
  • Centralized systems vulnerable to data loss, security breaches, and single points of failure due to centralized architecture.
  • Integrating a decentralized cryptocurrency wallet with multiple blockchain networks can be a challenging task. Each blockchain network has its unique architecture and protocols, and integrating them requires in-depth knowledge and expertise.
  • A single unique public address is that it limits the user's ability to maintain privacy and security, as all transactions are linked to a single address. 
  • As the number of users and transactions on a decentralized cryptocurrency wallet grows, scalability becomes a challenge.
  • Developers need to encrypt wallets and enable two-factor authentication to ensure security. Encryption secures private keys, while 2FA adds another layer of security.
  • Create a decentralized SSO system using digital signatures, public-key cryptography, OAuth, and OpenID Connect to authenticate users once and grant them access to multiple systems without additional logins.
  • Blockchain-based decentralized backup systems distribute data across a network of nodes, enhancing security, reducing data loss risk, and enabling direct data retrieval.
  • Creating custom APIs enables developers to seamlessly integrate the wallet with various blockchain networks, allowing it to support multiple networks.
  • To improve privacy and security, multiple public addresses or hierarchical deterministic wallets create new addresses for each transaction using an algorithm that generates addresses from a master seed.
  • Developers can utilize sidechains and layer 2 solutions to tackle scalability challenges by offloading processing power from the main blockchain, enhancing wallet scalability.

Advanced Features

Decentralised SSO
Transaction History
 Multichain Support
Multi Wallet Management
Private key Management
Robust security

Tech stack

Websocket Api


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